Therapeutic Approach to KRAS Mutated Colorectal Cancer

Radhashree Maitra

A deeper understanding of the biology driving cancer has helped shape treatment approaches. Cancer therapy options have consistently moved away from typical cytotoxic chemotherapy where patients with a given cancer were treated equal, to an individualized approach where a tumor is defined by its genetic profile, pertaining to protein expression and gene mutations [1].

"An Update on the Screening, Diagnosis & Management of Breast Cancer - A Review with Considerations for Future Fertility"

Kulvinder Kochar Kaur*; Gautam Allahbadia; Mandeep Singh

The diagnosis along with management of Breast Cancer (BC) are going through a prototype switch from the one size fitting all towards the period of individualized medicine. With the advances in diagnosis that is inclusive of sophisticated methods like molecular imaging in addition to genomic expression profile aid in enhancement of tumor characteristics to get unraveled...

Citi Screen Verses National Cancer Institute: Private Versus Public Screening

Boris Petrikovsky*

It is fifty years from the National Cancer Act (1971) which gave authority to the National Cancer Institute to create new programs to screen for and treat cancer. Almost all American presidents promised to "launch a new effort to cure cancer in our time". Richard Nixon invoked his "men on the moon achievement" as a basis for his promise to cure cancer.

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