Current Edition

Chemical components separation with the use of botulinum toxin A: A critical review for correction of ventral hernia

Yuri Justi Jardim; Gustavo Heluani Antunes de Mesquita; Leonardo Zumerkorn Pipek; Kayo Augusto de Almeida Medeiros; Barbara Justo Carvalho; Leandro RyuchiIuamoto; Diego Ramos Martines; Fernanda Nii; Daniel Reis Waisberg; Alberto Meyer

    Background: Ventral hernias are prevalent results in abdominal surgeries and may represent a surgical challenge in complex cases, mainly due to tension in the abdominal wall musculature. The failure of surgical correction may lead to a more morbid treatment for the patient, in addition to a considerable socioeconomic impact.

Postoperative abdominal wound dehiscence in children: How to manage it?

Mohammed Elsherbeny

    Background/purpose: Burst abdomen is a dehiscence of the layers of the abdominal wall, including the peritoneum, with exposure of the intestines. It usually occurs between the 6th and 12th day postoperative. With an incidence of 0.4-1.2% following major abdominal surgery and a high morbidity and mortality, burst abdomen is a challenge for the abdominal surgeon.

Incarceration of a diaphragmatic hernia complicated by a tension fecopneumothorax after left hemihepatectomy: Review of the literature and case report

B Scholtes*; J Pochhammer; M Schäffer

    Incarceration of abdominal organs in a diaphragmatic hernia is a potentially life-threatening condition. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. A successful management of this entity requires fast and correct diagnosis and prompt treatment.

Two-stage treatment of concomitant complicated right amyand’s hernia and incarcerated left inguinal hernia: Case report and review of the literature

Maria Tudela Lerma*; Enrique Mercader Cidoncha; Fernando Turégano Fuentes

    Amyand´s hernia is a rare condition defined by the inclusion of the appendix vermiformis within the hernia sac. Its diagnosis is very difficult in the pre-operative period. The clinical manifestation of incarcerated inguinal hernia generally masks the symptoms of acute appendicitis.

CT Abdomen with Valsalva’s maneuver facilitates grip-based incisional hernia repair

Kallinowski F; Nessel R; Gorich J; Grimm A; Loffler T

    Background: Grip-based incisional hernia repair needs the accurate determination of the hernia defect area and of the distensibility of the hernia area. Both parameters can be derived using computerized tomography of the abdomen at rest and during Valsalva’s maneuver. The two existing ways of analysis are compared for the first time on ten patients in a prospective observational study.

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